Our workshop......
The main
gates to our 10 acre compound where we live and work on the beautiful Tiwi
18 kilometers south of Mombasa on the main road to the Tanzanian border. Tiwi
beach is a quiet underdeveloped beach with no hotels. Just a few small bars, a
campsite, some cottages and us.
All our work is
carried out "Jua Kali" i.e.. in the open. We use traditional tools, no
electricity, and only local labour from the nearby village. At present we
employ more than 20 staff members. They are all local village members who walk
or cycle to work.
Seen here is Bernard putting our famous "Geko" logo on what will eventually be a mirror frame.
Bernard has been with us for more than 10 years.
The beginnings of a leg of a bed. Carved from an old piece of driftwood found almost five years back. You can still see the holes made by borer worms during this piece's time in the ocean. These holes will still be visible when the product is finished in about six months time.
We have been known to spend two years on a single piece
of furniture.
Another old piece of driftwood laboriously being
fashioned into an elephant table. This process will probably take another year
at least.
One of our carvers, Juma puting some final touches to
another leg of a desk. Check the finished product.
Click here
Juma is also the leader of our own band....
"The Funzi Fundis"
own band. The "Funzi Fundis"
All members are or have been working for us. They are a
traditional village band and sing and write all their own music. It is also
only in Swahili. Their instruments are, of course all handmade by themselves.
The drums are actually plastic water bottles. The sound is unbelievable and
they play regularly at some of the nearby hotels.